Pausing Alert / Notifications During Vacation

Hi there,

Trying to see if there is a way for a TDNext user to pause the ticket notification emails sent to them while they are on vacation? So far no luck. What is the recommended process for doing this? Is it controllable by the user or is this something only an admin (someone with the appropriate permissions) can do? Right now I've simply turned of notifications for the affected user in the Groups they are in. 


Tags notification vacation Alert notification-email alert-email automatic-notification
Asked by Damon Stennett on Wed 10/5/22 12:59 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 10/5/22 4:32 PM

Hello Damon,

Unfortunately there is no "off" option to totally turn off all notifications coming out of TDX for a person. If they typically receive notifications only because a group they are in is being contacted as a group, then you could configure their group-level notification setting to not be notified when the group is contacted. However this does not turn off individual notifications to them from TDX.

It would make a great enhancement idea if you wanted to submit that specifically.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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