Automatically Notify Technicians if Ticket is Canceled


I would like to ask if there is a way to add a particular technician to notifications if tickets are canceled with particular custom attributes selected? Would it be necessary to implement a workflow with notification steps?

Using TDX's built-in workflow functionality, it seems that tickets can be closed or canceled, thus overriding workflows. Would there be a way to make the cancelation (or changing of status) of a ticket trigger an automatic notification (perhaps using Web services)?

Thank you.

Tags notify automatic-notification ticket-cancelation cancel
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Tue 6/21/22 1:05 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 6/21/22 1:13 PM

Hello Anderson,

If the technician is marked as responsible for the ticket, or if they are a member of the group that *is* responsible and their notification setting for group notifications for that group is set to true, they *should* get notified when the requestor cancels a ticket.

We get notifications on our tickets when a client cancels them. This may be tied to the "Notify Responsible or Reviewer when a user comments on a ticket" setting at the ticketing app level.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you, Mark. This would technically be a solution.

For this particular use case, the technician (budget coordinator) that needs to be notified is not a part of the group that would perform the technical work, thus, they are not automatically notified upon cancellation by the requestor. We would also want to make sure that they are automatically notified if a technician were to cancel the ticket, even if not added manually to the "Notify" field.

Would this be possible with a workflow?

Thank you.
- Anderson Hanchett Wed 6/22/22 5:55 PM
Unfortunately a workflow would not address this need because Cancelling a ticket acts the same way in regards to a workflow as Closing the ticket in that it stops the workflow from progressing any further from that point. The tech or someone would need to manually ensure the budget coordinator did get notified. - Mark Sayers Thu 6/23/22 12:30 PM
Thank you.

As a workaround, I have created a new type and group to review the type (including the responsible group of technicians and the budget coordinator).

This resolves the issue of the budget coordinator being notified when such tickets are created, but the primary responsible group (not including the budget coordinator) is notified upon cancellation. '

Is there an option to notify the reviewers along with or rather than the responsible group?

Thank you.
- Anderson Hanchett Mon 6/27/22 11:13 AM
In which situation? When a ticket is cancelled? - Mark Sayers Mon 6/27/22 11:33 AM
Yes, when a ticket is canceled by the requestor (ticket withdrawn in TDClient). - Anderson Hanchett Mon 6/27/22 11:59 AM
Unfortunately the Reviewing party will only be notified of Inbound/new ticket when it is created (based on the Ticket Type configuration) or when comments are added to the ticket if there is no Responsible and the setting "Notify Responsible or Reviewer when a user comments on a ticket" is active for your ticket app. Reviewers are only notified in that scenario if there is no responsible value for the ticket, so a ticket cancellation when there also is a person or group responsible for the ticket would not notify the Reviewing group.

You'd have to have the tech notify them manually.
- Mark Sayers Mon 6/27/22 12:06 PM
Noted. Thank you, Mr. Sayers.

To clarify, all notifications would then have to be manual? Would there be a means to implement a listener, perhaps for particular services or ticket types? If there is no way to implement a "real-time" listener, then perhaps daily reports of canceled tickets may be the solution?

Thank you.
- Anderson Hanchett Mon 6/27/22 12:27 PM
The easiest solution would be certainly to send a daily report of cancelled tickets to the desired group, yes. You could also use ticketing webhooks to send ticket changes to an outside system or service which parses them to determine when a ticket has been cancelled, and have that system send an email to the desired person(s). All of that work would have to be accomplished by you in a custom fashion as at that point the parsing and notifying would take place outside of our tool, but it would be doable I think. - Mark Sayers Mon 6/27/22 12:31 PM
Thank you, Mr. Sayers:

We will use daily reports with email delivery for the time being and look into the webhook option.

This question can be marked resolved.
- Anderson Hanchett Tue 6/28/22 1:44 PM