Adding attachment by attachment id

Uploading attachments via the API or with iPaas only permits attachments smaller than 5mb. We have some attachments that are put on a ticket by an email monitor and want to put those same attachments on other tickets. Is there someway we can add an attachment that already exists to a ticket via it's attachment ID instead of having to download and re upload the file?

Tags webapi attachments add-attachment attachment-support iPaaS tdwebapi
Asked by Braden Hansen on Fri 5/20/22 1:07 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Fri 5/20/22 1:08 PM

Hello Braden,

Unfortunately no. A file isn't able to add an association to something just by its ID on another item. An actual upload to the item in question needs to take place to add it.

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