New Ticket Schedule

Does iPaaS support the creation of scheduled tickets?  If so, which parameter must be set to enable the scheduled ticket?

Tags ticket scheduled-tickets iPaaS apis-for-ipaas
Asked by Tyler Duncan on Tue 3/8/22 9:40 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 3/8/22 10:11 AM

Hello Tyler,

Are you asking if there is an iPaaS equivalent of scheduled tickets like there exists within the TDNext UI in a ticketing app?

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
More so iPaaS. I see the TDX Ticket Schedule option in TDNext. I looked at the TDX Connector for TDX Tickets under Create Tickets and did not see a parameter to create new scheduled tickets. To be sure, I also checked the TDX Ticket connector to see if there was a scheduled ticket option but did not see the option. I want to import scheduled tickets into TDX without manually keying them in. - Tyler Duncan Tue 3/8/22 10:17 AM
Unfortunately there is not an API endpoint currently that could facilitate achieving that. This would be an enhancement idea from what I can tell. - Mark Sayers Tue 3/8/22 10:24 AM