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Information about the ticket creation integration with the chatbot.
This article describes how to configure an email monitor for Ticket Creation
This article discusses the creation and modification of forms via TDAdmin
Markdown, created by John Gruber in 2004, is a lightweight markup language designed for formatting plain text, easily convertible to HTML and known for its simplicity and readability. It's widely used across documentation, blogging, academic writing, and note-taking for its ease of use and versatility in content creation.
Provides guidance to better understand the boundaries of administration versus what security roles may be used for.
Covers optional ticketing tools such as service level agreements, task templates, workflows, and surveys.
This article explains the differences between a ticket's primary responsibility, responsibility, and current responsibility.
This video will help Enterprise or Technician licensed users to set up and create a Service Catalog within TeamDynamix Client Portal.
Configuring email replies lets TeamDynamix handle people's replies to TeamDynamix notifications. Additionally, the email service can also create new tickets based on rules you set.