Who is notified when a person replies by email to a ticket creation email?


A common question for many ticketing organizations is "Who is notified when I reply to a ticket creation email from TeamDynamix?"

When a ticket is created in TeamDynamix and notifications are sent out, replies back to the ticket creation emails will go to:

  1. The ticket creator.
  2. Depending on whether or not the ticket has a primary responsible user/group the following people may be notified:
    1. If the ticket does have primary responsibility set, the responsible user or group will be notified.
    2. If the ticket does not have primary responsibility set, the ticket type's primary reviewer and Other Email Addresses list will be notified, but only if the ticket type is set to notify the reviewer of new tickets!

These rules are used no matter the ticket creation vector (i.e. through the web application, from the Email Service, from a Scheduled Ticket, etc.).

Group Notifications

When group notifications are sent, whether that be to a primary responsible group or a group reviewer for the ticket type, only members in the group set to be notified are emailed. Also of note for group notifications, if a member of the group is replying and that notification would again notify the group, the member will not be notified of their own reply. The system tries to shield the user from receiving both a notification to a group and their own replies which should notify the group.

Email Service

The SaaS Email Service uses email rules to assign default responsibility. Therefore, for tickets created by the Email Service, the ticket type's default responsibility setting determines who will be notified when replying to creation emails.

If the ticket type has a default responsible user/group, it hits items 1 and 2.1 above.

If the ticket type has no default responsible user/group, it hits items 1 and 2.2 above.

Finally, in the case of the Email Service, item 1 above is the user configured as the TeamDynamix username in the Ticket Template Settings.

Who Notifications Will Go to if Primary Responsibility and/or Ticket Type Information has Changed

The information on who should be notified in 2 above is stored in the reply token at the bottom of the ticket creation email. This information is based on ticket settings at the time of ticket creation. If a requestor replies to their ticket notification email, but before they do so the ticket Type and/or Primary Responsible person/group is set or changed, the notification of their reply will go to whomever would have been the original responsible user/group or reviewer and other emails if no responsible user/group was originally set on the ticket.

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