Email Log Error Messages

This article reviews common error messages you may encounter in email service logs.  For information on troubleshooting the setup of email services, see Related Articles

General Email Errors

Incoming email record for platform email id couldn't be found or is in the wrong state

  • Full Message: Incoming email record for platform email id [emailID] couldn't be found or is in the wrong state.
  • Cause: This error is often caused by issues with the email authentication account, but may also indicate a larger TDX or Microsoft issue.
  • Response: First, open the configuration page for the email service in question and simply click the Save button; this is sometimes enough to reset the connection.  If that doesn't work, review the troubleshooting steps in the Related Article on Troubleshooting Email Services.  If you're still unable to resolve the issue, if you are in implementation, reach out to your consultant, and otherwise Submit a TDX Issue to support.

Email Reply Errors

Email has no reply token, but monitor is a reply monitor

  • Full Message: Context: [PartId/BEId:[value/value]]. Email [emailID] with Subject [subject] has no reply token, but monitor [#] is a reply monitor. This email will be moved to the unsuccessful folder.
  • Cause: A message is in the monitored folder for an email reply monitor that does not have a reply token at all, or the reply token has been modified or partially deleted such that TDX cannot find or interpret it.
  • Context: The reply token is a block of alphanumeric code appended after the reply notification that uniquely identifies where a message is supposed to be posted in TDX when a reply is sent.  This code can be missing if somebody deletes the body of the reply from their response, or if they have managed to find and manually enter the replies email address as the recipient on a message that did not originate from TDX.
  • Response: Review the message in the unsuccessful folder of the replies email monitor to determine from the email headers and body what specific actions led to the message incorrectly showing up in the reply account; this is usually resolved by education and outreach to the sender.

Parsing of the reply resulted in an empty reply for email

  • Full Message: Context: [PartId/BEId:[value/value]].  Parsing of the reply resulted in an empty reply for email [emailID] with subject [subject].
  • Cause: This error indicates that a reply was sent with no content in the body of their reply message, which means TDX has no content to post to the feed.
  • Context: This can happen if somebody replies only with an attached file and no text.
  • Response: We recommend reaching out to the sender directly to clarify the response process, ask for any additional content, and to send either a new reply or for the technician to update the ticket on their behalf.

Service accounts are not supported for email reply monitors

  • Full Message: Unable to create reply for email [emailID] with subject [subject]. Service accounts are not supported for email reply monitors, and [username] was used as the commenting user.
  • Cause: Email Replies require a full User account to ensure complete processing of email responses, and using a Service Account will lead to errors like this.  For more details see the related article on Creating TeamDynamix Email User Records.
  • Response: When configuring Email Replies, select a full User for the TDX Account.

Email Monitor Errors

Reply token found in the email but monitor is a ticket creation monitor

  • Full Message: Context: [PartId/BEId:[value/value]]. Reply token found in the email [emailID], but monitor [#] is a ticket creation monitor. This email will be moved to the unsuccessful folder.
  • Cause: An email that contained a TDX-generated reply token was sent to a ticket creation monitor; TDX identified that the message may be in the wrong place and moved it to the Unsuccessful folder for review.
  • Context: This can happen for several reasons, for example if somebody forwards a message sent by TDX and either cc's the ticket creation email address or the recipient of the forward message then forwards their response to the ticket creation email address.
  • Response: Review the message in the unsuccessful folder of the ticket creation email monitor to determine from the email headers and body what specific actions led to the message incorrectly showing up in the monitor account; this is usually resolved by education and outreach to the sender.

Unable to upload attachment but email processing will continue

  • Full Message: Unable to upload attachment [attachment name] for email [emailID], but email processing will continue.: [attachment name] does not have a supported file extension.
  • Cause: The file extension of the attachment is blocked by current TDX attachment restrictions.
  • Context: Any text in the body of the response will be posted to the feed, but the attachment will not be included.
  • Response: First, determine if the attached file is safe and expected; unusual attachment file types can be an indicator of malicious content.  If the file is cleared, work with the sender to share the file using an alternate method, for example, sharing a link using your organization's file storage system (SharePoint, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc).
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