Attachment Support for the Email Monitoring Service

This introduction article will help users to understand the attachment support for the email monitoring service.


The TeamDynamix email service allows files to be attached to work items via the email service. This includes Email Monitors for ticket creation and Email Replies for replying to system notifications. . For TeamDynamix SaaS (hosted) customers, not all file types are supported and there is a file size limit. Instructions for installed (on-premise) clients to check what attachment types and sizes are supported for usage in their environment are included here.

Attachments in the Email Monitoring Service

Supported Attachment Types

Not all file types are supported in the TeamDynamix email service. Any file types not included in the list below will be ignored by the email service. For our SaaS (hosted) customers, files with any of the following extensions will be supported when being processed by the service:

  • AI
  • BMP
  • CSV
  • DOC
  • DOCX
  • EML
  • GIF
  • HTM
  • HTML
  • JPEG
  • JPG
  • LOG
  • MDB
  • MP3
  • MP4
  • MPEG
  • MPG
  • MSG
  • PDF
  • PNG
  • PPT
  • PPTX
  • PSD
  • RAR
  • RTF
  • SWF
  • TIF
  • TIFF
  • TXT
  • VSD
  • VSDX
  • WAV
  • WMA
  • WMV
  • XLS
  • XLSX
  • XML
  • ZIP

If you are an installed (on-premise customer) and not all files in this list are being supported, continue on to the Installed (On-Premise) Instructions below.

Supported Attachment Size

The Email Service will support a maximum attachment file size of ~20MB.

If you are an installed (on-premise customer) and 20 MB files are not being supported, continue on to the Installed (On-Premise) Instructions below.

Installed (On-Premise) Customer Instructions

Installed (on-premise) customers will need to manually check the types of attachments and attachment sizes supported when running the Email Service against their environments. As some background context, these limitations are actually controlled in the configuration file for the TeamDynamix Web Service (TDWS) application.

Looking Up Supported Attachment Types

To figure out which attachment types are supported for your email service:

  1. Log into the web server which runs your TeamDynamix applications.
  2. Locate the actual web root where the TeamDynamix application files live. You can typically do this by opening IIS on this server and looking for the directory where the TDWS application is located on disk.
  3. Navigate to the web root directory in Windows Explorer, locate the TDWS folder and click into it.
  4. Open the web.config file in a text editor like Notepad. You may need to open Notepad as an Administrator and then open the specified web.config file.
  5. In the appSettings section of this file, locate the AllowedAttachmentExtensions key.
  6. This key will list out all of the supported file extensions as a comma-separated value, like "ext1,ext2,ext3".
    Extensions are not prefixed with a period (.).
  7. Make any desired changes and save this file.

If you made any changes to this file, these might be lost the next time an update is deployed to your environment. Work with the TeamDynamix Client Services representative who normally applies your updates and upgrades to locate and update the corresponding <code>tdws.web.config.values</code> file in your <code>DeployTool\Configs\</code> or <code>DeployTool\WebConfigs\</code> directory on the web server. Changes saved here will not need to be recreated with each software update.

Looking Up the Supported Files Size

To check the maximum attachment size supported for your email service:

  1. Log into the web server which runs your TeamDynamix applications.
  2. Locate the actual web root where the TeamDynamix application files live. You can typically do this by opening IIS on this server and looking for the directory where the TDWS application is located on disk.
  3. Navigate to the web root directory in Windows Explorer, locate the TDWS folder and click into it.
  4. Open the web.config file in a text editor like Notepad. You may need to open Notepad as an Administrator and then open the specified web.config file.
  5. Locate the section of the file which looks like this:

  <location path="Comments.asmx">
      <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="20000" executionTimeout="360" />

  1. Note the <code>maxRequestLength="value"</code>. This is what controls the max file size which will be processed when receiving calls from the Email Service. This value is in kilobytes (KB).
  2. Change the <code>maxRequestLength</code> value to the desired value and save.

If you made any changes to this file, these might be lost the next time an update is deployed to your environment. Work with the TeamDynamix Client Services representative who normally applies your updates and upgrades to locate and update the corresponding <code>tdws.web.config.values</code> file in your <code>DeployTool\Configs\</code> or <code>DeployTool\WebConfigs\</code> directory on the web server. Changes saved here will not need to be recreated with each software update.

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Article ID: 11070
Thu 2/4/16 11:22 AM
Fri 5/3/24 3:56 PM

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