"With Hold" vs "No Hold"

I can't find any documentation that actually explains what the difference in these two options is.

"With Hold" includes the amount of specified time (Abs or Op) that a ticket was in a Hold status?

So if a ticket was On Hold for 72 Abs hours/24 Op hours those hours will be reflected in the given results if "With Hold" is chosen? And if we select "No Hold" those hours will not be counted because it was in a Hold status?

Tags reporting KPI hold metrics
Asked by Richard Linscott on Mon 12/2/24 12:56 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 12/2/24 2:08 PM

Hello Richard,

Those metric options allow you to report on, for instance, the amount of time that has passed from the creation of the ticket to the initial assignment of that ticket *without* including any time the ticket spent in an On Hold status (if it did so) in that calculation. The other side of that "with hold" is keeping that time spent in an On Hold status in that KPI metric's calculation. So it's just a way to exclude time the ticket may have spent On Hold from any KPIs if you desire to exclude them.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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