Put a statement in each ticket created or assigned to specific group
I need a way if possible, to put a canned statement in each ticket created or assigned to specific group.
Example: Group A gets a ticket this can blurb is put into the ticket for that Group
Asked by Matthew Thompson
on Mon 11/18/24 3:54 PM
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Answers (2)
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Matthew Thompson
Mon 11/18/24 4:19 PM
add the below to the comments the following to each ticket which is assigned to a specific group.
An instructional designer in the Center for Instructional Innovation and Technology Services will assist with this issue... not the full blurb but to automatically insert itself to the ticket comments each time the ticket is assigned to that group.
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There is nothing currently that I am aware of that can achieve this outside of webhooks that trigger an iPaaS flow where it is configured to look specifically at ticket modifications or creates where those group(s) are concerned so it can automatically provide the specified wording in a comment to the Requestor.
- Mark Sayers
Mon 11/18/24 4:48 PM
Mark Sayers
Mon 11/18/24 4:13 PM
Hello Matthew,
Where are you looking to see this statement get placed more specifically in such a scenario?
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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