Operational Hours report not accurate.
A couple of questions about operational hours and reporting. We have operational hours set for our Human Resources application, from 8-5. We also have a report that includes Create to Resolve(op) in it. The report shows 6.55 hours for the time taken to resolve ticket 26311427 in that application, but the correct time with our 8-5 operational hours should be 5.23333333 hours.
It also seems to take a day to update the values in that field, is this default behavior and can it be changed to update when the report is run?
Answer (1)
Hello Derek,
We *do* have a KB stating that KPI metrics are processed overnight, so to that particular end of the question it is not possible to make those values update in real time currently. https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=13941
As far as the Create to Resolve time calculation of the ticket in question I would have to see more specific information about the full lifespan of the ticket to know for sure if there were some issue.
Can you access the ticket and Print it to PDF and either attach it to your original question post here (and notify me that you did so), or else open a support ticket and provide it there?
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS