User Groups and Notifications

Is it possible to have an active group in a ticketing application for access permissions and automatic/workflow assignment of tasks and tickets, without being able to manually reassign tickets to the group?


Also, is it possible to include a user (such as a manager) on group notifications without that user being a part of the groups?


Thank you.

Tags groups notifications manage-notifications
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Thu 7/18/24 2:18 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 7/18/24 2:45 PM

Hello Anderson,

Unfortunately it is not currently possible to have a group be eligible for workflow step assignments but not for ticket assignments in the same app also.

Additionally a user does need to be part of a group if you want them to receive notifications intended for that group's members.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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