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User Groups and Notifications

Is it possible to have an active group in a ticketing application for access permissions and automatic/workflow assignment of tasks and tickets, without being able to manually reassign tickets to the group?

Also, is it possible to inclu...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 7/18/2024 2:45:40 PM by Mark Sayers

Setting Ticket Contacts

Can a custom People Attribute on a ticket be set to automatically become a Contact on that ticket? This seems like a common need. We are collecting several names of People in various roles on some tickets, and we would like them to be Contacts ...
1 Answer
Jon Ricketson Last activity on 9/25/2023 12:52:31 PM by Brittany Renn

Notifications on Status Change

We have specific tickets (All under a specific service) that will need to notify a specific group of people when resolved/closed & Opened/Created. We are using an automation rule to assign the ticket to a specific workflow th...
1 Answer
Rik Miller Last activity on 6/27/2023 9:05:29 AM by Brittany Renn

footer customizations

I've been working on some potential updates to our notification messages, and trying to figure out the difference between each.
We've got a number of notification footers that appear to have been created, but there's nothing in any of them. S...
1 Answer
Becky Klein Last activity on 3/20/2023 4:54:55 PM by Mark Sayers

Project Issue Notifications

I have several questions about project issues and their notifications.
Can issues notify someone other than the project manager by default when they are created? Do updates to issues automatically notify the person responsible? Can th...
1 Answer
Mariah Rible Last activity on 2/14/2023 3:54:29 PM by Mark Sayers

Simple things that just seem broken

Email notifications don't work:
- You update a ticket and you would think that there would be an email records send to the person who updated the record. Nope.
- Someone replies to a ticket that you are assigned to and there is no email n...
1 Answer
Tim Greenwald Last activity on 2/9/2023 10:03:01 AM by Mark Sayers

What is the "Notifications History" for?

I'm new to TeamDynamix, and I noticed a "Notification History" icon in the upper right of TDNext...

(The little bell icon.)
When I click on it, this window opens:

I've received email notifications, so I thought tho...
2 Answers
Daniel Zook Last activity on 11/10/2022 10:17:39 AM by Daniel Zook