Task Reminder Notifications

Is there a way to notify responsible of their upcoming task due date or task reminders in TDX ticketing system?

Tags notification emails My-Tasks Reminders
Asked by Navjot Bhatoa on Mon 7/15/24 5:58 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 7/16/24 9:28 AM

Hello Navjot,

For workflow tasks, there are those reminders that were released in the last version update of TDX that can be scheduled to send reminders every X days. Ticket tasks do not have this functionality however.

You could design a ticket task report though that shows active tasks assigned to the person in question and have it deliver to them every day so they can see tasks that are about to be due within X days of the current date.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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