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Task Reminder Notifications

Is there a way to notify responsible of their upcoming task due date or task reminders in TDX ticketing system?
1 Answer
Navjot Bhatoa Last activity on 7/16/2024 9:28:00 AM by Mark Sayers

Simple things that just seem broken

Email notifications don't work:
- You update a ticket and you would think that there would be an email records send to the person who updated the record. Nope.
- Someone replies to a ticket that you are assigned to and there is no email n...
1 Answer
Tim Greenwald Last activity on 2/9/2023 10:03:01 AM by Mark Sayers

"From" Change With Email Notifications

A tech within our department has asked if it would be possible to change the "From" field in the email notification when a ticket is created to reflect who the requester is rather than the technician who created the ticket.
I can't seem to fi...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 9/29/2022 4:19:14 PM by Mark Sayers