Updating child ticket's "Service" and "Responsible" fields from a parent ticket


I am looking to see if there is a way to update the "Service" and "Responsible" fields on multiple child tickets from their parent tickets. For example: If I have a parent ticket with 50 child tickets, I would prefer to be able to update the parent ticket's "Service" and "Responsible" fields and have them cascade down to all of the 50 child tickets rather than having to go through each of the 50 child tickets and update those fields manually.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thank you,

Robert Walker

Tags responsible service mass cascade create-parent
Asked by Robert Walker on Fri 6/7/24 9:25 AM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Fri 6/7/24 10:15 AM

Hello Robert,

The fields in question are not able to be modified by a cascaded ticket update from a parent ticket.

Currently a parent ticket can only update the Status of its children tickets and relay comments that were made in the same transaction on the parent to the children.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Hello Mark,

Thank you for the reply. I really appreciate it. Is this something that the TDX team is looking to add in the future?

Warm Regards,
Robert Walker
- Robert Walker Fri 6/7/24 11:26 AM
I would suggest submitting it as an enhancement request if you are looking to ask that it be considered. The Product team can confirm for you if it is on the radar already as a prospective upcoming feature for a new release. - Mark Sayers Fri 6/7/24 11:37 AM