Attribute Dependency based on Asset/CI

Hello, TDX Community:

I am trying to build a concept where licensed software is listed as assets and want to add a dependency so that if "Other" or "Not Listed" is selected, a text input box will appear. I wanted to ask if this is possible using an Asset/CI attribute or if a dropdown or multi-select attribute would have to be used. Utilizing the Asset Management application to list the software will assist with inventory as well as allow non-admins to update the list.

Thank you.

Tags asset-management assets Assets-CIs
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Thu 5/9/24 2:39 PM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Thu 5/9/24 2:51 PM

Hello Anderson,

Unfortunately an asset type field (even a custom one) is not eligible to be included in a dependency relationship currently.

You would have to use one of the other types of choice/multi-select type of fields for that.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Abby Fitcher Tue 12/3/24 10:31 AM

Can you submit this as a product enhancement

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It is always possible to submit enhancement request, sure! You can use this service request if you'd like to add your voice to a request for this sort of form capability: - Mark Sayers Tue 12/3/24 11:37 AM