
assets Clear Tag Filter

When creating a ticket in TDX auto population of data into certain fields.

When creating a ticket in TDX auto population of data into certain fields. When creating the ticket I and add the requester their department is auto populated, but not the building or room. Would this be possible to setup? If so how would I do...
1 Answer
Matthew Thompson Last activity on 6/20/2024 4:32:53 PM by Mark Sayers

Attribute Dependency based on Asset/CI

Hello, TDX Community:
I am trying to build a concept where licensed software is listed as assets and want to add a dependency so that if "Other" or "Not Listed" is selected, a text input box will appear. I wanted to ask if this is possible us...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 5/9/2024 2:51:21 PM by Mark Sayers

PowerApps within TDX Asset Management

Just wondering if anyone has used Microsoft Power Apps or Power Automate within the TDX environment? We use a power app to checkout assets and have users agree to terms of use, and this also stores device and user info in a sharepoint list. My m...
1 Answer
Christopher Vetek Last activity on 2/16/2024 9:34:59 AM by Mark Sayers

Checking Duplicates in Asset Management

It is understood that duplicate assets are avoided by updating assets with duplicate service tags when using the Asset Import Tool, but there does not seem to be a way to avoid duplicates by service tag or serial number when creating a...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 11/16/2023 3:40:17 PM by Mark Sayers

Expendable Asset Tracking

I am looking into tracking some items that are going to fluctuate in quantity constantly. Has anyone done this successfully and if so or not what would be the best method to do so? I worry about the ability to not see the quantities for the asset...
1 Answer
Daniel Parten Last activity on 11/15/2023 5:06:06 PM by Mark Sayers

Auto updating an asset field

I've been asked if there is a way to automate updating the status of about 2200 assets in TDX. We added a new asset field for the 2200 affected assets but would prefer not to set that field on them manually.
2 Answers
Mike Martin Last activity on 6/28/2023 3:57:37 PM by Mark Sayers

Asset Name Filter without spaces

I have a request from my Asset Management team; they are wanting to create a report in TDX and look for assets with or without a space.
1 Answer
Bryan Weist Last activity on 3/15/2023 11:32:32 AM by Mark Sayers

Asset Owner vs Asset User

When we launched TD for asset management, we assigned central IT as the Owner since we purchase most of the assets for the organization, and listed the customer using a device as the User. In hindsight, it appears that the Owner field has a lot m...
1 Answer
William Morrison Last activity on 12/6/2022 1:03:03 PM by Mark Sayers

Display Requestor's Assets on Ticket

Is it possible to display a requestor's assets on a TDX ticket they submit? Can that somehow be added to a form? I realize you can click on the requestor’s name to bring up another window that lists their assets.
Thank You,
Mike Schuster
1 Answer
Mike Schuster Last activity on 6/15/2022 12:47:22 PM by Christasia Bloom

Configuration Item Owner Field Customization

Is there any way to customize the default "Owner" field in regards to Configuration Items?
Specifically, we're trying to create software CI's and when adding a the owner, who is typically an end user (non-employee/participant), we have to cli...
1 Answer
Jacob Gladfelter Last activity on 3/15/2022 8:56:24 AM by Mark Sayers