Google "Less Secure Apps" Changes

With Google rolling out their new release this summer that gets rid of the "Less Secure Apps" permission and traditional IMAP settings, we are wondering if TDX will be adapting to accommodate that change or if there is a specific way we can prepare our email monitors for this since all of our current auth accounts are done through IMAP.

Google's change involves needing 2-Step Verification enabled on an account and then going in and creating individual "app passwords" for each connection you want to make, but we have found that 2SV being enabled on an account has stopped an auth IMAP setup to fail.

Tags email-monitor google applications-security-roles gmail
Asked by Kenneth Williamson Jr on Wed 5/1/24 3:11 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 5/1/24 3:38 PM

Hello Kenneth,

We do already support Gmail OAuth connections for email monitoring. You'll likely want to take a look at our KB here for email monitor Auth accounts at the GMail related OAuth setup instructions, then go into TDAdmin and make OAuth auth accounts for your email monitors:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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