Project Request Declined Notification - Comments

Hi There, on the "Request Declined" Project Request Notification Template, we include the tag "UpdateText".  However, this only puts the default "(Person) declined this project request", and does not include the text entered as comment when declining the project.  Is there a way to include this comment text in the notification template?  Just seeing the declined text with no context has been very off putting for many of our customers.

Tags project request notification comment decline declined-request
Asked by Bill MacKenzie on Tue 3/19/24 11:26 AM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Tue 3/19/24 11:34 AM

Hello Bill,

I don't see any template tags that appear to include comments other than the UpdateText tag. I can see why this might be desired though. You could submit this as an enhancement request, but also you could possibly just include those notes in the Description field of the request so the person can see that if you include the Description in your notification. Then just add a hard-coded reference after the {{UpdateText}} tag to point the person to the Description for additional details on why it was declined.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Bill MacKenzie Tue 3/19/24 11:40 AM

Hi Mark - Thanks for taking a look.  I like the idea of adding text to the description.  Can you share the logic (character count, etc) for what defines 'Description' vs 'DescriptionShort'?

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The Description would be the entire thing, DescriptionShort is just the first 250 characters of that field's value. - Mark Sayers Tue 3/19/24 11:49 AM