Primary group vs regular group membership - Notifications

Hi all!

Can someone explain if there is a difference between primary vs regular group membership in regards to notifications? 

Tags group primary notification
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Fri 2/16/24 11:47 AM
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Brittany Renn Fri 2/16/24 1:18 PM

Hi Michael, 

Whether or not a group is a primary group for a user or not shouldn't impact notifications being sent. There are group level notification settings for each group member that determine whether or not a member should receive group notifications. You can find those settings in TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Groups > Select Group > Notified column. 

In general, primary group just determines which group is the users "main" group.  If a user is responsible for a ticket, the user's Primary Group will appear as the Responsible Group in any ticket reporting.

Let me know if you have further questions. 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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