Web API Feed Update Does Not Work As Documented

The following endpoint: POST api/{appId}/tickets/{id}/feed is not working as expected. Although I can update the feed with a given message, it does not notify anyone when providing data in the "Notify" parameter as outlined in the documentation for TeamDynamix.Api.Feed.TicketFeedEntry.

I've tried sending the following data:

  • a basic email address of a registered TDX technician (e.g., test@example.com)
  • a structured email of a registered TDX technician (e.g., Firstname Lastname <test@example.com>)
  • a TDX UID of a registered TDX technician

What is the proper way to set the "Notify" parameter to trigger the notification as desired?

Thanks in advance.

Tags ticket API feed
Asked by Gerrit Brands on Thu 2/15/24 11:27 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 2/15/24 12:50 PM

Hello Gerrit,

This sounds like a syntax issue on my initial read.

You'd specifically format the Notify property and its value for your API call's body:


 "Notify": [ "email1@domain.com","email2@domain.com", etc ],

Is that what you were doing?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,

Thanks for the quick reply. Looks like I just misinterpreted the "Type". I took it as a string or an array. Since I was only passing one email address, I was just sending the string. Once updated to an array of email addresses (regardless of number) it worked as expected.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
- Gerrit Brands Thu 2/15/24 1:20 PM
You're welcome! It is always an array no matter the number of email addresses you choose to include. - Mark Sayers Thu 2/15/24 1:45 PM