Creating New Categories inside a Card Wall

I have a project administrator who says that they found information from TDX that it's possible to create new categories inside a Card Wall.

Is this something only a TDX administrator can do or is this something that can be granted to a project administrator (and if so, what needs to be enabled in their security role to allow them to do this)?

Tags project categories Cardwall
Asked by Mathew Chandler on Thu 2/1/24 9:13 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 2/1/24 9:50 AM

Hi Mathew,

The project administrator should be able to do this as long as their security role has the permission to create and edit plans. They can make new "lists/lanes" in the card wall, and assign those lists to whichever status values you have configured for your projects.

They can't create new statuses, but they can create new lists/lanes for the cardwall using existing statuses.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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