Assignment Metrics
I am looking to see if there is a metric report that i can run to find incidents that were assigned to a a particular group, but not necessarily still assigned to that same group. e.g. If a ticket moves around from group A to group B to group C, I would like a report to see any incidents that have been assigned to group A at any point.
Asked by Aleasha Sawyer
on Thu 1/18/24 3:04 PM
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Answer (1)
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Mark Sayers
Thu 1/18/24 3:17 PM
Hello Aleasha,
There is a ticket report filter for Historical Prim Resp and Historical Prim Resp Group that allow you to filter for users or groups that the ticket may have at any time in the ticket's lifetime been assigned to the ticket.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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