Reports not able to filter on custom attributes with dependencies?

I'm trying to create a report for using an onboarding form, and who is requesting hardware, which is done with a custom attribute on that form.

In the report I'm filtering by the form and I would like to also filter out for a selection on that form (a custom attribute that is a vradio selection), but it's not showing up in the selections to be able to filter.
The only thing I can think of is the attribute is a parent and has child dependencies, would that be the reason why it wouldn't show up as a filter option?


Tags report filtering filter attribute
Asked by Nathan Ignatz on Wed 1/10/24 9:28 AM
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Mark Sayers Wed 1/10/24 10:32 AM

Hello Nathan,

All custom attributes *do* show up in the report filter options actually, as long as the attribute in question is active. You'll see it listed though by its "Header Text" value, as configured for the attribute in TDAdmin. You might have named it something different than what you gave it for a Header Text value, so double check what that is, and then look for it in the filter drop down and you'll see it there.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Ah HA! Thanks Mark!
I forgot about the Header Text and at some point renamed that variable because the name was too long and was getting cut off.
- Nathan Ignatz Wed 1/10/24 10:50 AM
You're welcome! - Mark Sayers Wed 1/10/24 10:51 AM