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Filter by attachment boolean

Is there any way to filter tickets that do or do not have an attachment in a report?
1 Answer
Derek Hickman Last activity on 5/6/2024 2:04:28 PM by Mark Sayers

Can I set a default filter for a calendar in a saved desktop?

For Change Tickets, we only want to show Maintenance Activities as a default.
When a change ticket has multiple maintenance activities, the change ticket shows on the calendar for the entire duration - start of earliest change to end of lat...
1 Answer
Sarah Glatz Last activity on 3/19/2024 10:47:02 AM by Mark Sayers

Reports not able to filter on custom attributes with dependencies?

I'm trying to create a report for using an onboarding form, and who is requesting hardware, which is done with a custom attribute on that form.
In the report I'm filtering by the form and I would like to also filter out for a selection on tha...
1 Answer
Nathan Ignatz Last activity on 1/10/2024 10:32:47 AM by Mark Sayers