Due Dates vs SLAs

We are looking to implement 15-day due dates for Software and Hardware type tickets and report on overdue tickets.

I would like to ask the community if it in their experience it is better to use SLAs based on type or add due dates to ticketing forms. Is there a major difference in reporting, and can SLAs or due dates be added to tickets that are already open retroactively?

Thank you.

Tags reporting sla ticketing due-date
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Tue 1/9/24 2:07 PM
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Brittany Renn Wed 1/10/24 12:34 PM

Hi Anderson, 

I think the main difference would be that SLAs can send automatic notifications as the deadline is being reached and escalate the ticket if needed, where the standard due date field doesn't have that capacity.

There are differences in reporting options for SLAs vs Due Dates as well. SLAs have more fields to report on and metrics, which you can view by creating a new ticket report in TDNext and clicking the blue help button. You can definitely report on Due Dates as well, but SLAs have more fields available.

And to your last question, yes you can add SLAs & change the Due Dates on tickets that are already open.

Hope this helps! 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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