Custom Notifications


I have been asked to add additional information to auto response emails when a user creates tickets. Information is specific to services so it would need to be customized for each service that requires it. So along with the typical info a user receives after they create a ticket in an email there would be a location where we could add self service info. Is this something that can be accomplished?

Tags ticket notification response create help self auto
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Wed 11/1/23 3:37 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 11/1/23 3:43 PM

Hello Michael,

You would want to use a workflow for this purpose and configure the service itself (in the client portal) *not* to notify the Requestor on ticket creation, then let your workflow do it via a Notification step so you can tailor it.

Notification templates at the application level are not able to be conditionally generated like you're describing.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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