No Vacation Respose

I don't understand why there's still no vacation response capability in TDX. 

We have a team of 4 and when one of us leaves on vacation it would be nice if any user follow-ups to our assigned tickets receive a vacation response. We don't want to have unassign our tickets nor keep an eye out for someone else's tickets.

What do other people do to handle this? Is there some sort of trick?


Tags vacation auto-reply
Asked by Blair Friesen on Mon 10/30/23 10:52 AM
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Mark Sayers Mon 10/30/23 12:31 PM

Hello Blair,

You can definitely put in a request for a feature like that here: : just so your request is formally logged.

As a thought though you could report on tickets assigned to group members where the Modified by value isn't a member of said group. That would at least *show* you when tickets assigned to the group have been touched by either non-group members or the requestor.

As far as an automated response, iPaaS would be the only thing I could think of to achieve something like what you're asking for at this time. You'd have to build a flow that was triggered by a ticket modified webhook and have it evaluate against some schedule for time off for the group to determine if the assigned was currently OOO to notify the Requestor.

If you're in implementation with iPaaS still possibly it is something you could discuss with the implementing consultant you have. Or we could connect a team member with you via a support ticket if you enter one with the interest of building a flow for this purpose.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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