Filter "System" entries in the modified by report filter

Is it possible to filter out modifications made by the "System" like is possible with the modified by report filter? I would like to make a report that will show my team unassigned tickets that have had client engagement but the system entries make it impossible to easily determine what has been touched by a person.



Tags report report-filters
Asked by Andrew Renton on Wed 10/4/23 10:00 AM
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Mark Sayers Wed 10/4/23 10:44 AM

Hello Andrew,

The System account doesn't *exist* in your BE and so you can't filter for it's absence or anything like that.

You can instead filter by like your group list to say Modified By is a member of (or is not a member of) [groups] though.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Hi Mark,

I see that does make sense. In our case many of our clients will not necessarily be in a group and even in the case that they were it would be quite arduous to add all groups to the is a member of filter one by one. Using the not a member of filter also brings false positives as the system account and our environment specific systems accounts are not themselves in groups and will still show up.

It would be ideal if there were some sort of flag or other filterable indication that the last modification was made by the system account. Working around it in this way is just asking for missed updates as configurations or groups change going forward.
- Andrew Renton Wed 10/4/23 10:59 AM
If the root goal is just to see tickets that are not assigned to any group or person, you can do that in the filtering by looking for tickets where Group Unassigned is True and where Unassigned is True (for completely unassigned tickets).

If you need something more targeted than that you might filter for Unassigned is True but Prim Resp Group is one of [list groups].
- Mark Sayers Wed 10/4/23 11:44 AM
The intent is to create a report that lists tickets with the following conditions
-Assigned to my teams group
-Not yet assigned to an individual
-Last modified by an individual (not a robot) not in my teams group

This would allow us to easily see tickets where a client, requestor or other interested party may be asking for clarification or updates across the board so we can consistently engage expeditiously.
- Andrew Renton Wed 10/4/23 11:55 AM
That *sounds* like it should be doable then (unless you're in a terribly large amount of groups).

So the filtering would look like:
- Prim Resp Group is one of [groups selected]
- Unassigned is True (this indicates it isn't directly assigned to an individual)
- Modified By is not a member of [same group(s) as first filter]

Have you tried something like that?
- Mark Sayers Wed 10/4/23 12:02 PM
We have 200 groups currently, maintaining that going forward could be fairly time consuming but not impossible. We do have clients that are not in groups that will be commenting on requests so even so I believe that approach is a deadend.

I have tried that method, I just created a test report to attempt again with your listed filters plus removing modified by systems I can filter out (iPaas, TDX web services, etc.). The majority of tickets returned are those last modified by the system account that I cannot filter out
- Andrew Renton Wed 10/4/23 12:16 PM
Right, but are you personally a member of all 200+ groups?

Why not create reports applicable to the group(s) in question rather than for all tickets, then those groups can manage their own ticket queues?
- Mark Sayers Wed 10/4/23 12:34 PM
No I thought you were still considering the track of filtering - Modified by [is a member of (all groups)] and [not a member of (my group)].

This report would only be managing the queue of a single group, my group. Being able to filter out the system account would allow us to manage our queue much more effectively which is what prompted the question.
- Andrew Renton Wed 10/4/23 12:41 PM
Yeah I can see how that would be helpful, however there just isn't a way to do that currently. It would make a great enhancement idea though personally. - Mark Sayers Wed 10/4/23 12:47 PM
I have submitted an enhancement request in the hopes this might be taken on. I appreciate you taking the time to look over this with me. - Andrew Renton Wed 10/4/23 1:11 PM
Sure thing! Have a great day! - Mark Sayers Wed 10/4/23 1:15 PM
Andrew, if you put your ticket number here, those of us that would like the same thing could reference your ticket when asking for the enhancement. - Greg Van De Mark Wed 10/4/23 1:44 PM
Excellent idea Greg, thank you.
Service Request ID: 23951057
- Andrew Renton Wed 10/4/23 1:47 PM
We ran into this challenge previously and submitted an enhancement. On my enhancement, these attributes show up.

Parent Enhancement
Show "System" instead of a blank string for inline user links for "Created"/"Modified" information

Parent Enhancement ID
- Lucas Friedrichsen Wed 10/4/23 1:48 PM
Good idea! Having "System" instead of blank probably allows for filtering on that value. - Greg Van De Mark Wed 10/4/23 1:56 PM