Update to service request notifications

Where do I update the template for Service request notifications?

Also, can the link to the service request ticket just created only be present if the user can actually access the ticket?

For example, when an external requester submits a ticket, they get a response that their ticket was created and a link to the ticket.  However, since they are unable to authenticate, the link doesn't work.  It returns "you do not have permission..."  The same goes for internal users who submit tickets to secure applications such as HR. 

We'd like to fix this.  Please advise.

Thank you.


Tags notification URL service-request New-Service-Request custom-notifications
Asked by Sarah Glatz on Thu 6/29/23 12:24 PM
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Brittany Renn Thu 6/29/23 12:44 PM

Hi Sarah, 

The KB article below should help assist with getting started with notification templates: 

You'll probably want to go through the ticket applications and ensure that the Requestor notifications have the ClientURL instead of the NextTicketsURL template tag. Also, are your 'external requestors' public requestors? Meaning they do not have a login to the client portal at all? If so, you may want to locate any public services on your client portal and turn off the setting to 'notify requestor on ticket creation,' that way they don't receive any notifications with URLs that aren't accessible to them. 

Hope this helps! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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