API / iPaaS for adding to my work/accomplishments

Is there an API or method for this in iPaas?


Tags my-work iPaaS
Asked by David Tod on Thu 6/22/23 4:20 PM
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Answers (2)

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David Tod Thu 6/22/23 6:08 PM

Not sure about this, because when iPaaS does something it does it using the iPaaS credential as an iPaaS user

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That's a good point, things in My Accomplishments only show up if *you* were the one to mark them resolved. You'd have to somehow be using your own credentials in iPaaS or else this wouldn't be possible. - Mark Sayers Fri 6/23/23 9:22 AM

Mark Sayers Thu 6/22/23 4:27 PM

Hi David,

There's not a specific endpoint for that, no, but when you are the one to mark something as completed/Closed it should show up there I believe. So all you really need is the endpoint(s) to update or edit whatever the item type is and give it a new status or percent complete value I'd think.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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