Knowledge Base Article for End Users of OneDrive Integration

I recently received a request for end user instructions for our TDX OneDrive Integration and was surprised I couldn't find a resource in this Knowledge Base.  I do see the KB for configuring the integration, but not for end users.  Is this something that exists, or could it be created?

Tags knowledge-base knowledgebase
Asked by Tianna Jensen on Tue 4/25/23 12:50 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Tue 4/25/23 1:17 PM

Hi Tianna, 

Currently, the only OneDrive specific KB we have is for setting up the integration:

Because the integration is focused for Briefcase and Attachments, I would suggest pointing end users to the KB articles about those specific features:

If there was something else that you had in mind, I would suggest submitting a Product Idea so that what you're aiming for can be considered in future versions:

Please reach out if you have further questions! 



Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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