Report on people/contacts in tickets

Hi - I am trying to create a report of all contacts associated with tickets that match specific criteria.  I can set up "Contact" as something to filter the results by, but I cannot add contacts to the report results.  Is there a way to do this?   

Tags report ticket
Asked by Katie Clark on Mon 3/13/23 8:41 AM Last edited Mon 3/13/23 8:42 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 3/14/23 10:12 AM

Hello Katie,

Unfortunately there isn't a way to actively display the contacts of a ticket in a report's contents as there simply isn't a column for that data.

You can certainly filter on it, but it isn't currently available for display.

This sounds like a valid enhancement idea though that you might submit using our service here:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Done. ticket #: 22504561 - Katie Clark Wed 3/15/23 9:44 AM