Update Ticket Due Dates in Bulk

Hi - Is there a way to update the due dates of tickets in bulk? We were able to due to this our last help desk, but I cannot find a way to do it here. We have almost 100 tickets where we need to push the due date due to business need. 

Thank you, 


Tags ticket-update due-date
Asked by Corey Witt on Fri 3/3/23 9:57 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 3/3/23 10:32 AM

Hello Corey,

The bulk ticket update feature doesn't currently have a way to also bulk edit the value of a custom attribute for selected tickets. We only allow you to bulk update the status of many tickets at once.

You could collect the IDs of the tickets though and write a script that makes a PATCH call and updates that attribute's value on each of the tickets in question, then throw the IDs into a CSV file or something and have the script iterate throught that file til it's all done.

iPaaS could probably do it too, but that's a separately purchased feature offering.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 2 users found this helpful.
Hi Mark -

I'm sorry, but that's not a simple solution for most users to implement and not actually helpful for our situation. We need more intuitive solutions and basic functionality native to most customer-facing help desks.

- Corey Witt Fri 3/3/23 10:53 AM
I'll ask internally if anyone knows of anything else, but I'm not currently aware of a path within the native UI that allows for bulk updating fields on a batch of tickets.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
- Mark Sayers Fri 3/3/23 11:10 AM