Simple things that just seem broken

Email notifications don't work:

- You update a ticket and you would think that there would be an email records send to the person who updated the record. Nope.

- Someone replies to a ticket that you are assigned to and there is no email notification to the person assigned the ticket.

client portal

- Why can customers not see who their ticket is assigned to? This is a standard feature in every other ticketing platform out there I have worked with before. It seems very odd to me something so basic in every ticketing platform had this. Even spice works has this feature and its free.

If these are settings that need to be adjusted then fine that's on me, but these seem default options that should be enabled on golive. 

Tags emails notifications clientportal
Asked by Tim Greenwald on Thu 2/9/23 9:27 AM
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Mark Sayers Thu 2/9/23 10:03 AM

Hello Tim!

For your first note I'm not sure if you mean a message should be sent to the Client or to the person/group responsible, but there *are* settings controlling that in the TDAdmin area of your ticketing app under the Settings page. Specifically it would be in the "Notification Settings" area of that page, and you're likely looking at the settings for Notify Responsible or Reviewer when a user comments on a ticket or else the Notify Requestor by default on ticket updates settings.

To your second note, if you *do* have the Notify Responsible or Reviewer when a user comments on a ticket setting activated, it *will* notify the responsible person/group that they have a new response on their ticket from someone in this scenario. Since that's not the case today, I'm betting that setting is not yet active.

To the final note, viewing the Responsible of the ticket is not something currently viewable in the Client Portal. 

A few work-arounds for individuals is to view the feed of the ticket, where any communication from responsible parties marked public would be logged. In addition, if you select the Comment button on the ticket, you can choose to notify anyone associated with the ticket and their role as it relates to the ticket will be listed. Now, if the Ticket application has a setting enabled to Notify Responsible or Reviewer when a user comments on a ticket, then their name won't show, since they will always be notified anyways. However if that is not enabled in the ticketing settings, then the responsible name will show in the recipients drop down anytime a client user is trying to make a comment.

You can for sure submit an enhancement though to ask that this just be a standard field that is visible in the client portal, or asking for an *option* to make it visible by default, by completing a request here:

Let me know if I can do anything else to help!

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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