Ticket linking and/or classification creation

I've seen some answers here that indicate that you cannot link tickets that are of the same classification, and you cannot add new classifications. However these answers are around half a decade old. Has there been any changes related to this? Our organization has a work flow where we separate procurement and deployment tickets for example, but are in the same hierarchical classification. 'Tasks' are not robust enough to achieve our target result.

My questions are: Is there now a way to link tickets of the same classification?

Second question: Is there a way to create new classifications?

If not, is there a design philosophy for why this is not implemented, it seems like it arbitrarily limits the scope of TDX from our outside perspective.

Tags classifications parent-child
Asked by Nick Taylor on Fri 1/13/23 2:55 PM
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Brittany Renn Fri 1/13/23 3:32 PM

Hi Nick, 

A parent ticket can contain any of the child classifications below it, so it wouldn't be possible to create a Parent/Child relationship between two tickets of the same classification. The KB article below goes over the ticket hierarchy in more detail, with regard to parent-child ticket relationships. 

To add, ticket classifications can be edited in TDAdmin > Applications > [Select Ticket App] > Ticket Details, but it is not currently possible to create a new ticket classification. If you'd like, you can submit an Enhancement Request using the Submit a Product Idea button on our Homepage, if there is a specific feature that you'd like to see considered in future versions. 

Please let me know if you have further questions. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support 

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That's unfortunate to hear. Thank you for the quick answer - Nick Taylor Fri 1/13/23 4:50 PM