Better handling for auto-reply emails, both in- and out-bound?

This is more of a suggestion than a question. I would be thrilled if TDX had some built-in detection for automatic response emails, and an option to ignore those emails. Currently we have a handful of Inbox Rules that mostly do the job, though occasionally there's something oddly formatted that slips through.

Similarly, I think TDX should be indicating in the headers that the emails it sends to notify of ticket creation are automatic replies. This could help external systems avoid email loops.

In both cases, the key header is the "Auto-submitted" header, which is the standard way (as per RFC 3834) to indicate that a message is an automatically generated reply, and should not receive an automatic reply in response. Optionally TDX could also monitor for/set the "X-Autoreply" and/or the "X-Auto-Response-Suppress" headers.

More info:

Tags email e-mail mail auto-reply
Asked by David Pettitt on Fri 12/9/22 12:35 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 12/9/22 12:42 PM

Hi David, thank you for this. I would highly suggest submitting this as an enhancement suggestion here:

That service is specifically for accepting suggestion ideas like what you're referring to!

If there's anything else that support can specifically address for you, just let me know.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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