Client license access to Assest/CI

Is a user with a client license able to access Asset/CI applications?  For my client users the application is greyed out. 

Also where do I set the default applications for a client?

We're creating some forms where we want the ticket submitter to pick an application, we've setup that form to show the attribute using a configuration item filtering. Client users are not seeing any values for the field. Is that because of my first question?



Tags application client-license asset-ci
Asked by Nathaniel Obee on Tue 11/8/22 2:03 PM
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Brittany Renn Tue 11/8/22 2:59 PM

Hi Nathaniel, 

Users with Client Licenses are not typically TDNext users, so that's most likely why it's greyed out. For access to the Assets/CIs application, it would require them to be a TDNext user with access to the Assets/CIs application. Let me know if you have any questions about this. 



Brittany Renn

TD Support

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