Web Service Method - Change Ticket SLA

I am attempting to create a web service method that will let us change an SLA within a workflow. I found the API documentation on the subject and believe I have the method configured correctly. I have configured several other methods successfully but when I attempt to configure the SLA change method, I continuously get a "server not found" error. Anyone else have success with this type of method? My method is copied below in case anyone notices any errors.

PUT https://utk.teamdynamix.com/TDWebApi/api/{appId}/tickets/{id}/sla content-type: application/json [
Tags API web-service-step
Asked by Jordan Van Pelt on Thu 9/1/22 10:21 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 9/1/22 1:45 PM

Hello Jordan,

I don't believe you need to encapsulate your call's body in brackets for an array [ and ].

It should just be the {“NewSlaID”:”2117”} part.

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Thanks, Mark. I also noticed I had a slight typo in my URL. Correcting both seemed to do the trick. The below call ended up working for me.

PUT https://utk.teamdynamix.com/TDWebApi/api/2987/tickets/19092004/sla content-type: application/json {
- Jordan Van Pelt Tue 9/6/22 12:55 PM