What is the default email sender in "Use the default email sender" in the Outbound Email Settings

Hi all,

We have an SMTP custom email sender set up in our environment, but the documentation as to why is incomplete. I'm trying to figure out why we would have an SMTP sender versus the "default email sender" and need to know what the "Default email sender" would be. 

Any enlightenment is welcome. 



Tags email default setting sender outbound
Asked by Damon Stennett on Wed 8/17/22 5:31 PM
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Mark Sayers Thu 8/18/22 9:39 AM

Hello Damon,

Someone at your organization must have decided that they wanted your TDX notifications to be delivered through your mail server, so it appears to be delivered as an "internal" email from an email address on your domain rather than coming from our delivery system which would not come from a domain that your organization owns.

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Hi Mark,

Yes, that person left quite a while ago. Their notes do not provide the information I need. I’m being asked why we are using SMTP versus going through Office 365 authentication. Would you be able to provide details that could help me answer that question?

- Damon Stennett Thu 8/18/22 2:40 PM
I wouldn't be able to answer why your organization chose to connect to TDX via SMTP for email delivery, no, but our only mail delivery option, if you want mail to be delivered as if it were coming from an internal resource rather than from AWS which is outside your network, is basic SMTP auth.

If you don't want to use that you can set up an O365 mail connector per our KB here: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=119752
- Mark Sayers Thu 8/18/22 4:24 PM
Thanks Mark,

That's what I needed.

- Damon Stennett Thu 8/18/22 4:27 PM