v11.5 TDNext search: multiple client portals

I do a search in TDNext and expect to see knowledge articles returned from two different client portal apps. I get results from only one - the default client portal app. Is this intended behavior?

Tags search tdnext elasticsearch
Asked by Greg Van De Mark on Wed 8/17/22 4:58 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 8/18/22 8:54 AM

Hi Greg,

How exactly are you typing in your search for your article?

Article lookup by ID is not supported in the search, and wasn't supported in 11.4 either. I'm less certain of text searching for KBs, but I did want to point that out about using the ID to search.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
Upon further review... results are returned from both client portals. The locations shown under the result titles do not show the client portal app name. The ticketing app name is there. That threw me for a loop. Since the ticketing app name is present but the client portal app name isn't, I'll be putting in an enhancement request to add the client portal app name (if I'm on the right track). If so, I'll update this question with that request ID. - Greg Van De Mark Thu 8/18/22 9:24 AM
Service Request #21060848
+1 it, if you would find this useful.

Describe the problem this enhancement addresses
TDNext search results shows the location of the item just below the title. The ticketing app (ours is "tickets") is shown first for that app. However the client portal app names are not displayed. It is hard to determine quickly which client portal app is being displayed when looking at the list. Also, it is unbalanced (not standard).

Describe the ideal solution to the problem
Display the client portal app name underneath the title just like you do with the ticketing app name.
- Greg Van De Mark Thu 8/18/22 11:35 AM