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Knowledge Base Articles Short Description

How useful are the short descriptions for Knowledge Base Articles (and in fact, Services) in terms of the search functionality? Or do the short descriptions have no impact on search results and is mostly used for information for the en...
1 Answer
Shana Smith Last activity on 7/5/2024 12:10:30 PM by Greg Van De Mark

Assets/CIs Search Behavior

I had previously set up a form to filter only one type of configuration item. The custom form renamed the Asset/CI field to What System?
The configuration item is Application. The filter is set to allow Applications only.
Now, the search...
1 Answer
Steve Cade Last activity on 6/12/2024 10:53:53 AM by Mark Sayers

External searching

Someone from our web development team wanted me to ask:
Can TeamDynamix (Knowledge Base) act as a search source in a federated search with SharePoint Online (SharePoint in Office365) or any other platform?
1 Answer
Kay Masters Last activity on 3/14/2024 2:51:35 PM by Brittany Renn

Receiving empty data from WebAPI when searching existing users

I am currently building a python script that integrates with the TDX WebAPI, but I've run into an issue regarding the /TDWebAPI/api/people/lookup (Lookup) and /TDWebAPI/api/people/search (Search) endpoints. When I use either of these endpoints I ...
1 Answer
Harrison Fleisher Last activity on 4/25/2023 9:17:42 AM by Harrison Fleisher

Searching Workflows for Approvers

I have a request to identify how many service requests we have in our system (and which ones) involve a certain approver. Is there an easy way to search the workflows to see which ones contain this user as an approver?
Thank yo...
1 Answer
Ted Stahl Last activity on 8/18/2022 12:09:30 PM by Mark Sayers

v11.5 TDNext search: multiple client portals

I do a search in TDNext and expect to see knowledge articles returned from two different client portal apps. I get results from only one - the default client portal app. Is this intended behavior?
1 Answer
Greg Van De Mark Last activity on 8/18/2022 8:54:17 AM by Mark Sayers

Archived KB Search Results

Has anyone had any luck getting archived KBs to show up at the bottom of search results? I've tried making updates based on what is weighted but no luck.
1 Answer
Morgan Cranston Last activity on 1/13/2022 4:37:14 PM by Mark Sayers