Creating Ticket Template With Multiple Ticket Tasks

Hi there,

I have yet to find something that directly addresses what I want to do. I assume that I need to use the Workflow function to achieve this, but want to make sure.

When a new tech starts we have to grant them a bunch of accesses. Instead of manually creating a ticket for each request for every new tech I was looking to create a ticket template for a group of accesses and then have a task for each specific access be created and assigned to the appropriate group that grants the access. 

Is this possible without building a Workflow? And if not, it would be helpful to see an example workflow that achieves a similar effect. 



Tags ticket workflow task template subtask
Asked by Damon Stennett on Mon 6/20/22 11:51 AM
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Mark Sayers Mon 6/20/22 1:16 PM

Hello Damon,

I believe a workflow would be necessary unless you just create a list of Task Templates that achieve the same thing based on what the user needs to request access to.

The downside to doing a task template is the assignments are more hard-coded that way, but if you know the assignment values for each of the items the tech needs access to will always be the same person/group then that may not be a hinderance for you.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark.

Thanks for your swift response.

Is there a way to trigger all of the task templates with one action? Or do I have to create each task separately, choosing the appropriate template from the list?

The workflow I want to achieve is that I create one ticket and all of the tasks are created and assigned automatically. Is this possible without a workflow?

- Damon Stennett Wed 6/22/22 10:56 AM
You can apply an entire task template (which is just a collection of tasks created all at once on the ticket for you when the desired template is applied to it) by going to the "Tasks/Activities" tab of a ticket and using the options there to apply a task template. - Mark Sayers Wed 6/22/22 11:39 AM
Hi Mark. So that I have the workflow correct. I would create a ticket and then add a Task template to it - Not add a task template while creating the ticket? - Damon Stennett Wed 6/22/22 2:21 PM
You *can* apply the task template while creating the ticket as long as A) you're creating the ticket from within TDNext and B) you have added the Task Template field to your form. - Mark Sayers Wed 6/22/22 3:41 PM
Thanks Mark.

Last question - I think. Generally speaking the tasks that I'm trying to create should be their own full tickets with SLAs and proper statuses. How do I make it so that I have one ticket, let's call it "On Boarding Tech", set off a chain of other tickets, each one for a specific access to a unique resource/system or request for hardware?
- Damon Stennett Wed 6/22/22 5:59 PM
Your workflow could use web service method steps to create those tickets instead of using task steps to represent them. We have a KB on that topic here: - Mark Sayers Thu 6/23/22 12:32 PM