Creating problem via ipaas/api
Is there a way in iPaaS to create a problem ticket to attach children to? I am looking at the connector, when creating a ticket, I don't see the classification option or I don't see anywhere in the connector to create a problem. I know I can add children but it fails because the ticket isn't a "Problem". Do I need to use the problem form when creating a ticket or have some kind of form that is classified as a problem? Or is there another way.
Answer (1)
Hello David,
The Standard TDX Ticket connector has Classification in the TDXEditable data type, which is what is used by the Create Ticket action. Looking at Western's ticket connectors, they are custom, although based on an older version of our standard one which at one point in time did not have Classification as a parameter in the TicketEditable data type.
You could enable the standard action and use that. Or we/youcould add Classification to TicketEditable.
You ought to be able to use Create New Ticket to create any class of ticket you like though.
Thank you - David Mitchell Tue 5/3/22 4:55 PM