API Update Ticket - Powershell

Currently I am trying write the rest of my script to update a ticket using the API.

I am trying to 'POST' a ticket update, changing the Status of ticket to In Process, and Add a comment.

Here is the snippet that is coming up with errors:


I keep getting an error mentioning "Invoke-RestMethod : {"ID":-1,"Message":"Comments must be provided."}".

Previous attempts were passing 'GET'($arg2 of the function) object to the $updateTickets "Body" along with my $itemUpdate. But has only provided the same error.

Any idea what needs to be changed?




[UPDATE 4/28/22]

I changed how my code is formatted and it works now. Here is the corrected snippet.

Tags API webapi ticket-api TeamDynamixApi
Asked by Javier Moni on Wed 4/27/22 2:48 PM Last edited Thu 4/28/22 2:25 PM
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Answers (3)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Wed 4/27/22 4:01 PM

Hello Javier,

What endpoint specifically are you attempting to call?

Also, I'm not sure if it's a requirement of the language you're using or not, but a JSON object doesn't require every property and its value to be surrounded by two sets of double quotes. It really only needs a single set of double quotes.

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Sorry I'm very fresh on this side of things.
I believe you're referring to this endpoint "/api/{appId}/tickets/{id}/feed"?

But as I was writing this I re-wrote the JSON object I was trying to POST in a more tidy matter for Powershell. My issue was partly the formatting but I kept attemtpting to pass an "itemUpdate" object in the Body. I will be updating the question with a corrected snippet.

Thank you for the quick response Mark!
- Javier Moni Thu 4/28/22 2:22 PM

Bryan Weist Thu 10/13/22 4:08 PM

PATCH https://YourTDXLink.com/TDWebApi/api/{appId}/tickets/{id}?notifyNewResponsible={notifyNewResponsible}


Just use patch.  that way you only have to provide the fields you want to change, instead of POST where you have to provide everything.

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OU ITSM Team Thu 10/13/22 3:52 PM

The end goal here is to update the status of a ticket correct?

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