Report API Permissions

Using our Admin Service account for TDX Integrations, I am able to run  reports using the API, "GET.../reports/{id}?withData={withData}&dataSortExpression={dataSortExpression}"  but only for reports that are viewable to all.

When I try to run a report that isn't visible to everyone, I get a "404 not found" response. Is there some configuration I should change so that this Admin account can run any report?

Tags reports API
Asked by Bobby Jones on Thu 4/14/22 10:14 AM
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Christasia Bloom Fri 4/15/22 10:57 AM

Hi Bobby,

Unfortunately, Admin Service Accounts do not have 100% access to everything, meaning they would *not* be able to access reports made accessible to just a group or "Just to me" at this time.

Your best bet is to make these reports visible to all app users, and configure a standard Service Account to have access to that app, then use the standard service account to make the API call to get report details.

To access the reports as they are configured now (since they are not visible to everyone), you'd have to use a real user account essentially acting as a service account to get data.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Christasia Bloom
Support Consultant, CS   

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