Desktop Organization Options - Custom Reports and Widget Filters

TDNext Question: As someone who has access to and processes tickets/service requests in two different applications, I've been looking for a way to unify information about tickets/tasks to which I'm assigned and actively engaged with. So far, the My Work and My Assignments widgets are a step in the right direction, but:

a) These are non-filterable (and there are some requests in the system that I don't need in the list - one example would be that in order to send notifications to all department members that a new ticket has been added, we had to add a default assigned group, and at this point I'm not officially assigned to the ticket.)

b) The column output in these widgets does not seem to be customizable, and

c) Unfortunately, the amount of information displayed for a row in each of these widgets takes up a lot of vertical space; I'd prefer something a little more compact.

I started looking into custom reports as well, but Application level reports are always separated into Ticket Reports or Task Reports. At the Analysis level, beyond the "User Work Report" (which has no filters beyond the user that is being assessed, and is divided into several tabs, so not really suitable for what I'm looking for), I'm not seeing any sort of cross-application reports that might allow me to gather this information.

Another reason I'm looking for this is that, with the current widget setup, widgets cannot be collapsed within their frames. Therefore, adding multiple widgets ends up resulting in a lot of scrolling to find the information desired. 

Is there another option that I've missed somewhere?

Tags custom-report custom-desktop tdnext desktop-widget
Asked by Matt Voegeli on Thu 3/31/22 1:54 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 3/31/22 3:01 PM

Hello Matt,

Unfortunately there aren't custom reports that fully combine Tickets *and* Ticket Task responsibility.

The closest thing is the Ticket Task report, and if you create it in Analysis (and if your security role has the Analysis permission to report across applications) you would be able to see all tickets and tasks that you are responsible for in some way.

Of course you'd have to display columns relevant to tasks and to the Parent Ticket, to make sure you can access either one if you have responsibility on them, then creatively filter based on responsibility for a task *or* for the parent ticket.

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Hi, Mark,

Thanks for the information. This was my suspicion - I was kind of hoping against hope that there was something I had missed somewhere in the system. I didn't find anything in the questions or documentation section that indicated an organization style like this was ever enquired about, so maybe I'm the first. However, I think a more holistic/filterable overview for the desktop might be a nice feature to add. I'd also like to see these widgets become fully collapsible and/or allow scrolling within the individual widget's context. Don't know if those are roadmap items, but they are things that have come to mind while using the product.

- Matt Voegeli Thu 3/31/22 3:16 PM
I don't know that they are roadmapped currently, but you can always submit enhancement ideas (via our service here ) to ask Product Management to consider them. - Mark Sayers Fri 4/1/22 9:30 AM