Notification Default Settings for Ticket Udpates/Edits/Comments

I have noticed that by default not many people are selected when I update/edit/comment on a ticket to receive a notification. When I "Update" a ticket, the "Requestor" is by default in the "Notify" section. Are we able to customize who is notified by default when a ticket is updated/edited/commented on? I am looking for a way to customize the pre-filled options.

For example, when a ticket is updated, can I notify all users on the ticket (Request/Creator/Responsible/Contacts) by default? Or when a ticket is commented on, is there a way for me to notify everyone on the ticket as well, so that comments from the end-users are sent to all parties associated with the ticket? I may have missed your KB article on this.

Thank you for your time!

Tags custom-notifications default-settings
Asked by Triston Martin on Tue 3/22/22 12:30 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 3/22/22 2:59 PM

Hello Triston,

The only automatic notification settings currently cover just the Requestor and the Reviewer/Responsible, and only in specific scenarios.

To see these settings and read about the scenarios that encompass them, head over to TDAdmin > Applications > [your ticket app] > Settings, and scroll down to the "Automatic Notification Options" portion of the page.

It doesn't cover notifying everyone including Contacts by default, but you can achieve that by using the Ticket Update window and clicking the "Notify All Users" button next to the Notify field before entering your comments and sending it.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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