Web Methods Using Project API

Is it possible to create a web method to be used in a ticketing application workflow that returns information about a project?

In my sandbox test, using the basic GET..tdwebapi/api/projects/list, the return message is "404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."

Tags project API web-method tdwebapi
Asked by Bobby Jones on Wed 2/2/22 2:23 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 2/2/22 3:32 PM

The web method I see in your sandbox that was modified today, is pointing at only tdwebapi/api/projects. It looks like it is missing the /list ending on the URL field.

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Thank you, I corrected that. My test now returns a 200 successful but it is an empty collection. I was expecting a list of 24 projects.

I read the API instructions more closely and it says 'This action requires access to the TD Analysis application'. Does this mean the Web Auth account needs access to the Analysis application or the Portfolio application?
- Bobby Jones Wed 2/2/22 6:12 PM
That would mean it needs access to Analysis. - Mark Sayers Thu 2/3/22 9:22 AM
I think the call is working but the body is returning [ ]. I was expecting a list of projects in side of the brackets. Am I not understanding what this call does? - Bobby Jones Thu 2/3/22 11:13 AM
So let me clarify something: the TDWebApi/api/projects/search will return a list or projects that meet whatever search criteria are utilized.

The TDWebApi/api/projects/list endpoint returns a list of plans that the user is on the project of currently.

Are you using the /list endpoint or the /search endpoint currently?
- Mark Sayers Thu 2/3/22 11:41 AM
That was it. I was using the /list and I should be using /search. Thank you for the clarification. - Bobby Jones Thu 2/3/22 12:04 PM